Molecules generator:
• Water (H2O) - Water is the most vital and
common thing for existence of life on the earth. It is made up of two elements,
hydrogen and oxygen and chemical formula is H2O. It means two hydrogen
molecules are bonded with one oxygen molecule. Water has three states, when
liquid it is called water, when gas it is called vapour and when solid it is
called ice.
• Sodium Chloride or Table Salt (NaCl) – Salt
is used not only in cooking, but in cleaning as well. In fact, it is said that
there are more than 14,000 specific uses for salt all in all.
• Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate or Baking Soda
(NaHCO3) – Baking soda does not only have benefits around the kitchen, but is
also used in beauty and health. It can be used as a cleaning and whitening
agent, and is a great deodorizer as well.
• Sodium Hypochlorite or Bleach (NaClO) –
Bleach is used as a stain remover, disinfectant and deodorant. It is also used
to treat water and to reduce skin damage.
• Hydrogen
Peroxide (H2O2) – This is used as a germicidal agent and is the only one of its
kind that is composed of oxygen and water. It is an alternative to bleach and
is a potent disinfectant. It is also used in personal hygiene products like mouthwash
and toothpaste, and is used to lighten hair. It is also used to sanitize meat
and other food products.
• Methane
(CH4) – Methane is a natural gas that is used to refine crude oil. It is also
used as a reactant to produce other substances such as chloromethanes and
• Carbon
Dioxide (CO2) – Carbon dioxide is used in the content of fire extinguishers and
in the production of dry ice. It is also used in the production of carbonated
• Sodium
Nitrate (NaNO3) – Sodium nitrate is used in the food and agriculture industry.
It is also the prime ingredient in fertilizers.
• Ammonia
(NH3) – It is used in a lot of cleaning products.
• Silicon
dioxide (SiO2), also known as silica, is a natural compound made of two of the
earth’s most abundant materials: silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2). Silicon dioxide
is found naturally in many plants. It is also added to many foods and
supplements as it prevents the various powdered ingredients from sticking